Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mama's Lil' Puffer

Clothing Perfection.
Could there be a better outfit for my kids?!
I wish I had one of these in every size til they are 18. Seriously.
I am going to be so sad when they outgrow these. These are going into the baby memory box for sure!
Grunter aka SqueekyPoof
Whoop Whoop trying to eat his brother's hand. Again.
Grunter puts up with a lot.


Anonymous said...

Those were totally made for you! So cute - those boys are killing me :)

How'd the filming go?????? Dying to know!

A+K said...

SO CUTE!!! What a great find for your Puffer family!!! :)

Carrie said...

PERFECT outfits! Omg your boys are so yummy! super cuteness.

Ali said...

I love them!

Nicole said...


Laurie said...

Love it!

Melissa said...


tbean said...

Love them! Did you find them yourself or did someone send them to you? And how are Grunter and W2's acting careers going?

pitapocketmom said...

your boys are adorable i also have twins that are boys(and a 4 yr old) i saw your post a while back about how hard it is and how you feel bad for saying how hard it is especially with everything you guys went through to get them. Words of advice, it gets better/easier. We were surprised with finding out we were having twins, actually no I was surprised. Both have twins in families just never thought it would happen, anyway i always told myself if i can make it through the first year then it cant be that bad i can do anything. Like i said they are two now (born on friday the 13th of course! LOL) Its crazy and fun all at the same time we all have our moments but i did want to comment as another twin mom knowing what your going through and you guys are not alone and props for the Breast feeding cuz i totally could not pull that one off so you are doing amazing from my pov...twin mom to twin mom you guys rock :) like i said i know this should be commented on a way older post but figured i would share